
Jukeboxes are unique in that, unlike other coin-operated machines, they do not give up the earnings that they swallow. Dissections by electrobiologists have revealed that their neon intestines digest the various metals used, leaving only their immaterial value behind. It is unclear what becomes of this abstract remainder, but it is believed to return to circulation once this process is complete.

Conversely, the golden mosquitos of the Red City’s streets have learned how to drink the value from fallen coins, reducing them to shriveled copper. While this is seen as a nuisance by many, it is generally agreed that their unique metabolism is helping to curb inflation.

This ecosystem contains many creatures, from crows to gumball machines- yet it is not entirely clear how any of these have obtained their taste for human wealth. Some have posed the possibility of an evolutionary missing link between money and mollusks, citing historical records of coins which could sexually reproduce- yet no substantial evidence exists of money that is scientifically recognized as “alive.”

It is possible, some have argued, that the phenomenon experienced as monetary value is something much older than mankind, and is itself intrinsic in nature. Rather than having been directly established by human beings, it was instead already stratified throughout their flesh long before being repurposed and externalized. This theory of “primordial money” suggests that it facilitates the food chain itself, a much larger network of exchange than any of those controlled by mankind, and therefore derives all original value from the sun.

If this model is ever verified, then these lifeforms which separate metal from money can be understood as a counterbalance to human civilization. Through their strange anatomies, that which was drained from nature can eventually find its way back.

Wishing wells are the best known variety of numismovore.

The Baph-O-Mat operates on the assumption that monetary value is an alloy of metal and willpower.

Numismovores were once used to control the population of feral binari.